
Ok, I’m only 30 but you know what I feel much older.  I’m always tired, my ankles make random clicking noises when I bend them sometimes,  and my back will give out at the most inopportune times, like today. On Friday I ordered a brand new printer for our accounting dept. which showed up yesterday with the plan being to deploy it today.  I lift the the printer up (roughly 30-40 pounds) and there goes my back.  I was in so much pain that at first my boss thought I was having a heart attack, I shuffled back over to my desk like an old man, sat down and took some Aleeve.  Normally, the pain will subside and I can move on with my day (which as I write this, seems like what will happen) but on occasion the pain gets so intense that it hurts to breathe.  Now granted I am not in the best of shape, in fact I am probably in the worst of shape of my life but it’s funny to me how my body seems to have just given up the minute I hit 30.   I used to be able to stay up till 3-4 in the morning and now I’m ready to pass out at 3-4 in the afternoon, my life has begun to deteriorate into wake up, eat, work, eat,  work some more, drive home, eat, fall asleep while watching TV.  I’ve been trying so hard to get out of the house after work, occasionally going to a local tavern to play trivia with my friends.  This usually makes me pretty useless at work though the next day because I don’t get home from trivia till almost 11pm.  If you had told me 10 years ago that this would be my life, I probably would have laughed at how ridiculous it sounds.  But, hey it could be a lot worse so I’ll shut up now.

So, my phone just up and died the minute I got to Florida.  I called Verizon support and they told me that they’ve never heard of this particular problem.  Basically my phone just kept rebooting itself; the dude on the phone actually asked me if I downloaded a porn app…seriously this is what passes as troubleshooting these days?



What the fuck, I come home today ready to play D&D and to my surprise I have no water or heat.  Good thing I took a shit before I left the office.  I had to cancel the game tonight because the appartment douches have no idea when it will be fixed.  I wonder if I can get away with telling them I have no idea when my rent check will show up. Poor shmuck down the hall has to drive to the grocery store to use the bathroom, I tried to tell him he could use the one at the main building but he said “meh…I enjoy the drive”.  What?


Please respond ASAP

Fuck no!


fuck no!

Why God why?
